We are pleased to invite you to submit an abstract for oral and/or poster presentation for the 7th Annual RVH IGNITE Applied Health Research Conference held on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 (8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)





We encourage submissions from new and experienced investigators in a broad range of healthcare disciplines AND from different organizations, both academic and industry. Please submit your abstract for oral and/or poster presentation in the format described below. Research, Quality Improvement, and Quality Assurance abstracts are all accepted for submission. A sample abstract is provided below:

  1. Abstract must be submitted via REDCap (https://redcap.link/Ignite2024)
  2. You may copy and paste your abstract into the form below. 
  3. Indicate your preference for an Oral or Poster presentation
  4. Title of the abstract should not exceed 200 characters, including spaces
  5. Please include the full name of each author (maximum 3 credentials or degrees, if desired)
  6. Provide the affiliation(s) for each author (department, organization, and location, including postal codes)
  7. Indicate which author(s) will be presenting the abstract and provide their email address
  8. Abstract should be a maximum of 350 words (word limit does not include title, authors, and affiliations)
  9. Abstracts must include the following sections: Title, Authors, Affiliation(s), Presenter(s) Email,  Introduction, Rationale/Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions (bold these subtitles). If suitable, a separate Acknowledgements section may be added, but must be included in the word limit.
  10. Please indicate which author(s) will be attending the conference and provide full contact information for each in the body of the email when submitting your abstract(s).
  11. Abstracts will not be edited and will be reproduced in the form submitted, so please proofread your abstract carefully. Please feel free to contact the Research Office (research@rvh.on.ca) for assistance with writing an abstract.


Abstracts will be reviewed by the Research Conference Committee according to 1) clarity; 2) scientific merit; 3) novelty of content; and 4) implications of research or QA/QI.

Unfortunately, due to time constraints, not all submissions requesting an oral presentation can be accommodated and final decisions will rest with the Research Conference Committee. Researchers may be invited to present a poster presentation rather than an oral presentation.




  • Presentations will be in-person and we ask that they be submitted to research@rvh.on.ca prior to the conference.
  • Time allotted for oral presentations will be 15 minutes (10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion)


  • Researchers are responsible for their poster display, including printing, setup, and takedown; poster display stands and pins will be provided
  • Posters may not be larger than 4 feet (height) x 6 feet (width), as this is the maximum size of the display stand
  • Setup will be between 7:30-8:30 a.m.
  • A member of the research team must be present during poster sessions

Thank you for your participation!

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